Zander Winther

Zander has been teaching yoga and meditation for over 10 years, and is passionate about providing traditional instruction in the lineage of Sri Krishnamacharya. He holds E-RYT 500 status with Yoga Alliance, having logged over 1000 hours in training and 4,500 hours of yoga instruction. Zander also holds Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist certification via the Himalayan Institute, Advanced Teacher Training certification in Vinyasa Krama with Srivatsa Ramaswami, Yoga Therapy Teacher Training certification with Manju Jois, as well as deep study in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga with Fiona Stang and other senior teachers.

Zander is also a Yoga Teacher Trainer, having co-facilitated 200 Hour programs for hundreds of students in Vancouver. He holds an MA in philosophy (2010) and is currently completing a second graduate degree at UBC where he is translating and examining the Yoga Yājñavalkya, an important haṭha yoga text in the Sri Krishnamacharya tradition. You can follow Zander on Instagram @zanderyoga or connect via his website at